OCC-WCC 2024 | WCC数字医疗AI论坛:创新科技运行心血管健康

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OCC-WCC 2024 | WCC数字医疗AI论坛:创新科技运行心血管健康

发布日期:2024-06-19 04:42    点击次数:183

OCC-WCC 2024 | WCC数字医疗AI论坛:创新科技运行心血管健康



第十八届东方腹黑病学会议(The 18th Oriental Congress of Cardiology,OCC 2024)与寰宇腹黑病学大会(World Congress of Cardiology,WCC 2024),将于2024年6月27-30日在上海海外会议中心无际召开。届时,与会大家们将围绕数字医疗与东谈主工智能在心血管范围的前沿应用张开深度对话,共享最新权衡效力和本质教授,共同探索这一范围改日的无穷可能和发展后劲。

With the rapid advancement of technology, digital healthcare and artificial intelligence are increasingly becoming crucial drivers of innovation in the field of cardiology. These cutting-edge technologies have profoundly transformed cardiovascular medicine through precise diagnosis, personalized treatment, and efficient prevention, while also bringing unprecedented comfort and convenience to patients.

The 18th Oriental Congress of Cardiology (OCC 2024) and the World Congress of Cardiology (WCC 2024) will be held grandly at the Shanghai International Convention Center from June 27 to 30, 2024. During this event, experts will engage in in-depth discussions on the frontier applications of digital healthcare and artificial intelligence in cardiology, share the latest research findings and practical experiences, and jointly explore the limitless possibilities and development potential of this field.

论坛时期:2024年6月29日 星期六


论坛坛主:悉尼大学Julie Redfern教师;张瑞岩教师

Forum Date:Saturday ,June 29, 2024 ;

Forum Venue:Yellow River Hall, Shanghai International Conference Centre

Forum Chairs:

Professor Julie Redfern, University of Sydney;

Professor Zhang Ruiyan, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine

Julie Redfern教师



Digital Healthcare Heart Protection Initiative

跟着科技的赶紧发展,数字医疗正日益成为心血管疾病防治的高大力量。悉尼大学Julie Redfern教师将把稳教师电子健康纪录(EHR)在心血管疾病(CVD)健康科罚中的应用,通过高效的数据科罚和精确的分析时期,极地面普及了诊疗效力。

与此同期,爱尔兰国度谢绝和心血管健康权衡所的Catriona Jennings教师将全面请问谢绝腹黑病学APP的建树与测试,借助创新科技,使得腹黑疾病的谢绝妙技变得愈加方便、高效。随后,北京大学阎丽静教师则将良好解读中低收入国度下层医疗挑战,并展示数字健康时期怎样助力改善非传染性疾病的防控与支援,为资源匮乏地区带来福祉。

With the rapid development of technology, digital healthcare is increasingly becoming a significant force in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Professor Julie Redfern will elaborate on the application of electronic health records (EHR) in the health management of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), significantly enhancing diagnostic and therapeutic efficiency through efficient data management and precise analytical techniques.

Simultaneously, Professor Catriona Jennings will comprehensively expound on the development and testing of heart disease prevention apps, leveraging innovative technology to make heart disease prevention more convenient and efficient. Professor Yan Lijing, on the other hand, will provide a detailed interpretation of the challenges faced by primary healthcare in low- and middle-income countries, and demonstrate how digital health technology can assist in improving the prevention, control, and treatment of non-communicable diseases, bringing benefits to resource-scarce regions.


AI-Driven Heart Health

在东谈主工智能(AI)的海浪中,心血管范围正迎来一场翻新性的变革。新加坡国立大学 Jasper Tromp教师将系统先容AI在深度学习范围的契机与本质,展示其在心血管健康数据瓦解中的巨大后劲。上海交通大学涂圣贤教师则将重心请问AI时期在心血管诊疗历程中的应用,研究怎样哄骗AI提高诊疗效力,为患者带来更为精确、个性化的支援决策。

在心电图这一心血管范围的高大用具中,伦敦帝国理工学院Fu Siong Ng教师将深入研究东谈主工智能在心电图分析中的新兴作用,请问AI 怎样助力医师如安在复杂的心电图信息中迅速捕捉到关节信息,为心血管疾病的早期会诊和精确支援提供有劲援助。

In the wave of artificial intelligence (AI), the cardiovascular field is undergoing a revolutionary transformation. Professor Jasper Tromp will systematically introduce the opportunities and practices of AI in the field of deep learning, demonstrating its tremendous potential in analyzing cardiovascular health data. Professor Tu Shengxian will focus on elaborating the application of AI technology in the process of cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment, exploring how to utilize AI to improve diagnostic efficiency and provide patients with more precise and personalized treatment plans.

Regarding electrocardiogram (ECG), an essential tool in the cardiovascular field, Professor Fu Siong Ng will delve into the emerging role of artificial intelligence in ECG analysis, explaining how AI assists doctors in quickly capturing key information from complex ECG data, providing strong support for early diagnosis and precise treatment of cardiovascular diseases.


AI and Digital Dual-Drivers: A Promising Future for Cardiovascular Health!


同期,新德里慢性病限度中心 BRIDGE 数字健康中心的肃穆东谈主Arun P Jose教师将从公共视角启航,注释数字健康创新的近况和改日,为咱们提供珍视的海外视线和本质教授,启发新的想考,匡助更好地应酬数字健康范围的发展挑战,很是是在心血管疾病的谢绝、会诊和科罚方面。

Driven by the dual forces of artificial intelligence and digital technology, the future development direction of cardiovascular healthcare is gradually becoming clearer. Professor Shen Dinggang will delve deeply into the application of full-stack and full-spectrum technologies in the field of medical imaging, exploring how these advanced technologies, combined with artificial intelligence, can provide more comprehensive and precise visual assistance for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Meanwhile, Professor Arun P Jose will examine the current status and future of digital health innovation from a global perspective, particularly the challenges and opportunities faced by the cardiovascular field.


We eagerly await the grand convening of the WCC-Digital Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence Forum. We look forward to listening to the insightful exchanges and brilliant discussions among the participating experts at the forum, and jointly exploring the unlimited potential and innovative opportunities of digital healthcare and artificial intelligence in the cardiovascular field, contributing wisdom and strength to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases!





Conference Dates:June 27-30, 2024

Conference Venue:Shanghai International Convention Center

Registration Website:www.occmd.org




审核:张瑞岩、钱菊英、陆国 平、徐亚伟


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